Barbirotti Viaggi offers group trips with different formulas able to satisfy the most varied requests: Cultural Trips, Cruises, Sea Holidays, Pilgrimages, School Trips, Organized Trips with ad hoc programs for pre-established groups.
The prerogative of group travel is to organize complete itineraries that integrate and satisfy both the wishes of the group as a whole and those of the individual participants. This occurs initially in the planning phase of the trip and subsequently in the course, up to its conclusion, guaranteeing constant assistance.
Since 2008 we have expanded our offer for groups, specializing in Corporate Incentive Travel. After a thorough study of the destinations suitable for the target audience, we take care of all aspects, from conception to marketing, from organization to assistance to participants for requesting particular documents (passport, visa, etc.). At all stages, specific reporting is prepared that allows us to quickly monitor and manage every aspect of the trip, shared with the Company.
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Barbirotti Viaggi – Piazza Alfano I n. 6 – 84121 – Salerno – P.Iva 04602370654 – Cookie Policy – Privacy Policy – Contributi – POR Campania 2020 – POR Campania 2021
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