Relying on a professional means having certainties that often the “do it yourself” cannot guarantee: better connections, coordination of all services, optimization of itineraries, structures selected and tested personally, indication of the necessary documentation required by the country of destination, a a real and present interlocutor who provides precise and transparent information and the assistance necessary to minimize the risk of unforeseen events that would lead to a higher expense than planned.
Consulting an agency does not necessarily translate into a higher cost. By consulting the various online offers, apparently you can find a lower cost, but it is necessary to check the actual quality of the service (precise type of accommodation, convenience of connections, etc.) and proceed through the various screens to view the finished cost. In the agency, the cost that is quantified is instead transparent and finite and includes the human plus that a click on a standard program or a pre-recorded guide voice cannot have.
The first consultation is free and to ensure that it reflects the real expectations of the traveler we generally require some basic information: a range of min / max dates within which to move in order to study the best combinations; an indicative budget to carry out a targeted search for the program that has the best quality / price ratio capable of satisfying everyone’s needs; the composition of the family unit with the age of the children in order to apply all possible promotions. However, even if the ideas are not clear, our consultancy will be able to better illustrate the various opportunities. We invite you to contact us to make an appointment online or on site or to write to us via email / whatsapp.
The travel programs offered by our agency are customizable in every aspect. Therefore, the possibility is offered to carefully evaluate the quality of the services offered and to modify the parts that do not suit one’s expectations, up to the time of issuing tickets or booking services that provide for a cancellation penalty and / or change. In addition to this, it is possible to take out insurance policies that cover cancellation penalties in case of unforeseen events.
The Name is the Guarantee: it is not just a slogan, but is the result of over 100 years of experience in the field of tourism, which has been handed down for 3 generations. Our staff is competent, precise and reliable. Our Added Value is tangible and concrete, as can be seen from what those who have already entrusted to our professionalism say about us.
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